SECOND SHIMMY RECORDS                   Fort Lauderdale
*********************                   FL


Start  : 2005 (10)
Found  : Kramer (after a 7 year hiatus of his original label Shimmy Disc)
Distr. : US - NAIL Distr./
         UK - Cargo/Piccadilly
Style  : pop / psychedelic / alternative / indie rocl / lo-fi / experimental /
         space rock / dreamy pop / ambient pop /

             100  V / A : I KILLED THE MONSTER-21 ARTISTS PERFORMING    CD      10.2006

        1       Dot Allison : Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Your
                Grievances                                      3:14
        2       Daniel Smith & Sufjan Stevens : Worried Shoes   3:54
        3       Joy Zipper              Held the Hand           2:44
        4       Kramer                  Bloody Rainbow          3:53
        5       R. Stevie Moore         Cathy Cline             3:54
        6       Kimya Dawson            Follow That Dream       2:47
        7       Lumberob                Honey I Sure Miss You   2:41
        8       Jad Fair & Kramer : True Love Will Find You
                in the End                                      1:53
        9       Rope, Inc..             Tears Stupid Tears      3:46
        10      The Electric Ghosts : Blue Skies Will Haunt You
                From Now On                                     4:56
        11      Chris Harford           Going Down              3:39
        12      Mad Francis             Rowboat                 3:46
        13      Jeffrey Lewis : The Adventures of God as a Young
                Boy                                             3:19
        14      Major Matt Mason USA    Mind Contorted          3:11
        15      Toby Goodshank          Now                     2:23
        16      The Dick Panthers : Go Fast and Go Some More    2:29
        17      The Sutcliffe's         Foxy Girl               3:58
        18      Kickstand               Cosmic Kid              2:25
        19      Emily Zuzik             Love Wheel              3:28
        20      Mike Watt               Walking the Cow         5:16
        21      Tess                    It's Over               3:27
SECONDSHIMMY 101  JESSE & LAYLA         Kinetic                         CD      02.2007

        1       Nearly Over Now                                 3:29
        2       Tonight                                         3:10
        3       Move On                                         3:24
        4       High and Low                                    4:26
        5       Rusty Old Camera                                4:20
        6       Rolling Back                                    4:16
        7       Freezin Up                                      3:47
        8       Love Is on Its Way                              4:24
        9       So Long                                         4:06
        10      Ground                                          3:08
        11      Stellar Sunrise                                 5:50
SECONDSHIMMY 102  ROPE , INC.           Songs Of Love And War           CD      05.2007

        1       Believe                                         3:19
        2       Promise                                         5:15
        3       Strange                                         3:22
        4       Hold                                            3:34
        5       Become                                          4:14
        6       Escape                                          3:26
        7       Circumstance                                    4:10
        8       Stay                                            3:04
        9       Wrong                                           4:02
        10      Unknown                                         4:30
        11      Begin                                           4:47
SECONDSHIMMY 103  LITTLE AIDA           MAD COUNTRY                     CD      08.2007

        1       Like It Was Before
        2       The Dam Is Broken
        3       Dream Pony
        4       Played
        5       Horses
        6       Sleep Machine
        7       Ten Walls
        8       No Reason At The Hollywood Hotel
        9       Each Measure
        10      Shadow In The Sand
SECONDSHIMMY 104  CATNIP                MIRROR                          CD      01.2008

        1       Here We Go Again                                5:19
        2       Aquamarine                                      5:28
        3       Fly With Me                                     4:58
        4       Stay                                            2:54
        5       Mirror                                          5:04
        6       The Great Escape                                3:07
        7       Blue                                            5:14
        8       Falling                                         3:28
        9       Lullaby                                         4:22
        10      Wish I Was a Bird                               4:25
        11      Sad Song                                        5:18
        12      Pink & Blue & Green                             5:06
        13      Tomorrow Is a Long Time                         4:14
SECONDSHIMMY 105  FLAVOR CRYSTALS       AMBERGRIS                       CD      07.2008

        1       Churchfuzz                                      6:34
        2       Ambergris                                       3:54
        3       Deepthi                                         2:55
        4       Guppython                                       4:29
        5       Squid Ink                                       5:09
        6       Tsar Bomba                                      6:08
        7       Homewrecker                                     3:45
        8       Jumpingjacks                                    1:12
        9       Smokestacks                                     7:16
        10      Snobrite                                        4:32
        1001    SAPPHO                  THE CIVILIZED THING TO DO       CDR     03.2007
        1001    SAPPHO                  THE CIVILIZED THING TO DO       DL      03.2007

        1       Celestine                                       4:57
        2       Aardvark Song                                   2:13
        3       I'm Theoretical                                 3:34
        4       La Nostalgie du Cannibale                       5:34
        5       Girl to Girl                                    5:10
        6       Rat Tat Tat                                     5:05
        7       Oui                                             2:40
        8       Victorialand                                    8:09
        9       Love Spiders                                    2:30
        10      The Glowing Hand                                4:36
        1002    MoTiKoS                 MoTiKoS                         CDR       .2007
        1002    MoTiKoS                 MoTiKoS                         DL        .2007

        1       All Gone                                        3:42
        2       Klonopin                                        2:43
        3       Knife Fight                                     3:38
        4       Killer Killers                                  3:58
        5       Trust in Lust                                   4:11
        6       Headcase                                        4:02
        7       Shake                                           3:35
        8       Trails                                          3:38
        9       Freakshow                                       3:33
        10      Live on in Beats                                4:03
        11      Why So Lonely?                                  3:50
        1003    LACONIC ZERO            TRIBECA                         CDR     10.2007
        1003    LACONIC ZERO            TRIBECA                         DL      10.2007

        1       Enter Fatalism                                  1:57
        2       In Circles                                      2:53
        3       A Psycho's Day                                  1:44
        4       Erase Red Target                                2:02
        5       Hyaline                                         1:23
        6       Square Diner                                    1:26
        7       Final Bacteria                                  1:30
        8       Garage Buster                                   1:14
        9       Kyoto Dream                                     1:46
        10      Last Taxi Drive                                 1:05
        11      At Virginia's                                   2:46
        12      Escape                                          2:37
        13      Wheelthrasher                                   2:08
        14      Trapped                                         1:38
        15      The Great Rust                                  1:50
        16      Blizzard Season                                 1:26
        17      Ape Made This                                   1:21
        18      Gust                                            2:10
        19      Cloudscape                                      1:59
        1004    THE CAPTAIN HOWDY       TATTOO BLOOD                    DL        .2008

        1       We Want Our Vietnam
        2       The Juliet E-Mail
        3       China Needs Women
        4       The Hero That Feels Sorry for...
        5       Rosabelle
        6       The Wreck of the Captain Howdy
        7       Dino's Head
        8       Tattoo of Blood
        9       The Best Song Ever Written
        1005    THE CAPTAI HOWDY : MONEY FEEDS MY MUSIC MACHINE         DL        .2008

        1       Always Something There to Re..
        2       I Just Don't Wanna Try
        3       Old Man
        4       Man Bites Dog
        5       If You Love Me, Kill Your Dog
        6       I Just Wanna Get Laid
        7       I Long for Kyoto
        8       Don't F**k With the Phoenix
        9       Shut Up
        10      Radio's Broke
        11      Barry's Lament


SSD     1108    SHOCKABILLY             THE DAWN OF SHOCKABILLY         DL      02.2009

        1       Heart Full of Soul                              2:41
        2       Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad                   2:39
        3       Psychotic Reaction                              2:27
        4       Hard Day's Night                                2:16
        5       Train Kept a Rolling                            3:13

12"     Rough Trade     RT 120 T        1982    UK
SSD     1109    SHOCKABILLY             EARTH VS. SHOCKABILLY           DL      02.2009

        1       Day Tripper                                     3:41
        2       Are You Experienced                             3:19
        3       Burma Shave                                     1:43
        4       City of Corruption                              3:04
        5       Bluegrass Breakdown                             0:38
        6       Party House Part III in 3-D                     2:37
        7       People Are Strange                              3:16
        8       Psychedelic Basement                            2:26
        9       Purple Haze                                     2:44
        10      19th Nervous Breakdown                          3:47
        11      Tennessee Flat Top Box                          4:06
        12      Oh Yoko!                                        1:16
        13      Big Money Broad                                 3:07
        14      Wrestling Woman                                 3:44

LP      Rough Trade     ROUGH 48        1983    UK
DDS     1110    SHOCKABILLY             COLOSSEUM                       DL      02.2009

        1       Our Daily Lead                                  1:37
        2       BYOB Club                                       3:20
        3       Roman Man                                       1:37
        4       Too Big for Its Cage                            3:34
        5       Eight Miles High                                5:58
        6       Dang Me                                         2:29
        7       Secret of the Cooler                            3:45
        8       Hattiesburg, Miss.                              2:13
        9       You Dungeon My Brain                            3:05
        10      Homeward Bound                                  1:48
        11      National Bummer                                 3:13

LP      Rough Trade     ROUGH 68        1984    UK
SSD     1111    SHOCKABILLY             VIETNAM                         DL      02.2009

        1       Pile Up All Architecture                        2:09
        2       Born on the Bayou                               2:26
        3       Your U.S.A. and My Face                         3:21
        4       Vietnam                                         3:05
        5       Flying                                          3:01
        6       Nicaragua                                       2:29
        7       Paris                                           2:09
        8       Iran Into Tulsa                                 2:04
        9       Georgia in a Jug                                2:56
        10      Lucifer Sam                                     3:20
        11      Signed D.C.                                     3:14

LP      Fundamental     SAVE 1          1984    US

SSD     1112    SHOCKABILLY             HEAVEN                          DL      02.2009

        1       Instand Karma                                   1:49
        2       She Was a Living Breathing Piece of Dirt        2:11
        3       Red Headed Stranger                             2:57
        4       When You Dream About Bleeding                   2:44
        5       Tau and the Soldier                             2:19
        6       Life's a Gas                                    2:48
        7       Tray-Panning the Man                            2:31
        8       Hendrix Buried in Tacoma                        2:20
        9       How Can You Kill Me, I'm Already Dead           2:24
        10      Vampire Tiger Girl Strikes Again                1:40
        11      Pity Me, Sheena                                 3:03
        12      Happy New Year                                  2:56
        13      Our Metempsychosis                              3:51

LP      Fundamental     SAVE 8          1985    US
        1113    STEFAN SCOTT : DRUM BRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES              DL        .2008

        1       Wathing Fires                                   2:41
        2       Asleep Organ                                    3:03
        3       Angels in Snow                                  4:37
        4       Days of Division                                5:18
        5       Metro Gnome                                     4:41
        6       Modern Words                                    5:59
        7       All Ways                                        6:32
        8       Mak Music                                       6:08
        9       Shouting Eyes                                   5:22
        10      Second Data                                     3:26
        1114    howardAmb               ELECTRICALANGUEGE               DL      06.2008

        1       Aaron Mason                                     0:15
        2       Open Door                                       3:28
        3       Musical Electricity                             1:39
        4       Hang Out                                        4:39
        5       StarZ                                           5:45
        6       GodZ                                            4:20
        7       Wasted                                          3:50
        8       Moments Afternoon                               2:30
        9       Four P.M.                                       3:37
        1115    MY FLAG IS ON FIRE      MY FLAG IS ON FIRE              CDR     06.2008
        1115    MY FLAG IS ON FIRE      MY FLAG IS ON FIRE              DL      06.2008

        1       Arnhem, Holland                                 4:30
        2       Love You Too Late                               1:32
        3       Keep Your Friends Alive                         4:04
        4       Cheap Cigs                                      5:17
        5       Canyon                                          7:13
        6       Cure Girl                                       4:55
        7       Emansio                                         5:15
        8       Harmony                                         6:42
        1116    LUKE'S ANGEL            PAULOPOLIS                      CDR     02.2009
        1116    LUKE'S ANGEL            PAULOPOLIS                      DL      02.2009

        1       Cityscape                                       3:51
        2       Dirt                                            3:18
        3       Undone                                          3:19
        4       Light                                           4:24
        5       Geheimis                                        2:57
        6       In June                                         3:43
        7       Bugs                                            2:43
        8       Act 2: The Chase                                2:58
        9       Sugar Rush                                      3:34
        10      Spell                                           3:37
        11      Black Nite Crush                                2:26
        12      Luke's Blues                                    2:48
SS      1117    THE ORANGE BEACH        FUZZ YOU!                       DL        .2010

        1       Hey! Oh! Eh!                                    1:39
        2       BdS (Bar del Sole)                              1:29
        3       I Talk to the Wine                              2:48
        4       Quoque tu BMW?                                  1:55
        5       Country Billy 2                                 2:42
        6       C Wha Wha                                       0:59
        7       Fairies Wear White Shoes                        4:07
        8       Barbon                                          3:19
        9       L'abbaye de Théleme                             3:14
        10      Ghost to Ghost                                  2:58
        11      Ernest's Fear                                   2:34
        12      Exotic Thrill                                   4:26
        13      Jingle #1                                       1:03
        14      The Orange Beach                                4:32
        1118    VINCA MINOR             ISOLATION                       CDR     02.2010
        1118    VINCA MINOR             ISOLATION                       DL      02.2010

        1       From Here, Eternity                             16:02
        2       Ignition                                        11:46
        3       Waves                                           4:40
        4       Holding Pattern                                 14:30
        5       Raindrop                                        2:20
        6       Decent                                          8:39
        7       Your Arms                                       7:39
        1119    howardAmb               MINI STERIOS MEGA MIX           DL      09.2010

        1       HIT LOTTO                                       4:08
        2       Light Is ON                                     4:17
        3       dottedEyes                                      5:03
        4       IN THE YARD                                     1:47
        5       Far Baby                                        4:18
        6       Pizza Tracker                                   2:18
        7       TOrrential                                      3:49
        8       Watch Yo Stuff                                  3:26
        9       QuiteDown                                       4:10
        10      Guardian Angle                                  4:53

        1       Revolutionary Girl                              2:38
        2       Cocaleros                                       4:15
        3       The Looker                                      2:35
        4       Dade County Jail                                4:47
        5       SkeeterOnMyPeter                                0:16
        6       Chang and Eng                                   2:46
        7       Socialismo Americano!                           4:21
        8       Cowboys and Indians                             3:41
        9       El Derecho de Vivir en Paz                      2:43
        10      Robin From the 'Hood                            1:51
        11      LoveWarHatePeace                                4:25
        12      Dope n' Dime                                    3:48
        13      Lemon Lime Coffee                               3:11
        14      Running the Road                                1:22
        15      Sleep Tight                                     2:30
        16      Center of the Universe                          3:39
        1121    VINCA MINOR             CAPITAL OF SORROW               DL      11.2012

        1       Presence                                        3:23
        2       Bleed Forth                                     3:53
        3       Purify Me                                       5:00
        4       This Way We Feel                                3:29
        5       Candle Out                                      3:35
        6       Never Going Back                                3:08
        7       Distorto                                        3:48
        8       Freedom                                         2:47
        9       The Time of You                                 3:41
        10      Can We Sleep Tonight?                           4:36
        1122    KRAMER                  THE SECRET OF COMEDY            DL        .2013

        1       Nine Minus Seven Is Two
        2       The Secret of Suicide
        3       Midnight
        4       Strings
        5       The Secret of Philosophy
        6       I Can Watch
        7       Who Are You Today?
        8       My Rock' N Roll
        9       The Secret of the Band
        10      Sounds Like?
        11      Wishing Well
        12      Second Coda
        1123    KRAMER                  THE GUILT TRIP                  3LP       .2013

A       1.      Overture
        2.      Stupid Summer
        3.      Got What I Deserved
        4.      Wish I Were In Heaven
        5.      Not Guilty
        6       Wisdom Sits
B       7.      Stubb's Hallucination
        8.      The Drowning Heart
        9.      Welcome Home
        10.     Swallow Up Jonah
        11.     Hello Music
        12.     The Murder of God
        13.     You Don't Know

C       14.     The Wall of Sleep
        15.     the Guilt Trip
        16.     Wait For the Hate
        17.     Natasha Disappears
        18.     Big Of You
        19.     My Friend Daniel
        20.     The Maximus Poems
D       21.     The Seven Seizures
        22.     Thank You Music
        23.     Kathleen, I'm Sorry
        24.     God Will See You

E       25.     I'm Your Fan
        26.     The Bosom Friend
        27.     I Love You
        28.     Next Time, Try Compassion
        29.     Charlotte's Brain
        30.     Mudd Hutt Four
F       31.     The Well Hung Jury
        32.     Won't Get Far Without Me
        33.     Ball Five
        34.     She Won't Let Go
        35.     I've Seen The End
        36.     Coda

The first complete recording made at his new state-of-the-art 24track recording
facility NOISE NEW JERSEY (located 10 minutes outside of NYC), THE GUILT TRIP, is
a monumental opus. 36 songs recorded with stalwart drummer David Licht and high
school chum Randy Hudson, the triple-LP's cover art (also issued on a Double-CD)
is satirically styled after George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass", and is
structured with a complete understanding on the pacing of six sides of music.
        1124    KRAMER                  SONGS FROM THE PINK DEATH       DL        .2013

        1       The Funny Scene
        2       Buddy Holly Will Never Die
        3       The Opium Wars Have Long Ceased
        4       Don't Come Around
        5       The Parasite Song
        6       The Pink Death Song of Love
        7       It Never Stops Being Absurd
        8       Eddie Called Back On the Carphone
        9       You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
        10      The Hot Dog Song
        11      It's Alright If She Don't Love You Right
        1125    ROPE, INC.              IS I HAT ALL?                   DL      10.2013

        1       Leave Me                                        4:15
        2       Send Me Away                                    5:20
        3       Only Breath                                     4:58
        4       This World Alone                                4:39
        5       Is That All?                                    4:51
        1126    howardAmb               HOWWeirdiAM                     DL      10.2013

        1       Sonarpanels                                     4:03
        2       Deepfredindent                                  4:25
        3       Intentznoel                                     4:51
        4       Debreezzuss                                     5:43
        5       Cominghome                                      3:20
        6       Rualittle2 (Demo)                               1:50
        7       Innsold                                         6:16
        8       Dezzolve                                        4:33
        9       Rualittle2 Too                                  6:19
        1127    howardAmb               THE LITTLE PLANET               DL      10.2013

        1       F Nails                                         4:41
        2       Indoorfiends                                    3:26
        3       Spotted                                         7:22
        4       Little Planet                                   4:24
        5       Deserters                                       6:25
        1128    howardAmb ; CRYSTAL CASINO CATHEDRAL HOTEL              DL      10.2013

        1       Raiderz                                         4:37
        2       Hunters                                         3:55
        3       Hystorical                                      4:13
        4       B.L.S.                                          5:30
        5       Meanings                                        4:39
        6       Ms. Steak                                       6:01
        7       Che Pup                                         3:23
        8       Sheik'd Up (Dss Shook-Up)                       4:25
        1129    PERKINSWOOD             KEYS TO THE CIRCUS              DL      09.2014

        1       Twist Off                                       2:45
        2       Elephantologist                                 4:46
        3       Count Marvelous                                 3:05
        4       Batman and Rhoda                                6:40
        5       Balloon                                         4:09
        6       Stem Winder                                     3:08
        7       Trampoline                                      3:47
        8       Shark Monkey                                    3:54
        9       Scribble Face                                   3:49
        1130    STEFAN SCOTT NELSON     SECRET ARCHITECTURE             DL      06.2014

        1       Bosstune                                        2:28
        2       Prisioner                                       3:50
        3       Captured                                        4:34
        4       Smoke Rings                                     3:52
        5       In Love                                         2:08
        6       Itzowaya                                        3:01
        7       Candy Sweet                                     2:42
        8       Just Like Girls                                 3:34
        9       Negative Person                                 3:01
        10      Into Your Fires                                 3:12
        11      Cast Out                                        3:08
SD      1131    DEW                     I FEEL FUNNY                    DL      09.2014

        1       Mr. Scary                                       1:04
        2       Astroglide                                      5:39
        3       Baby One                                        0:14
        4       Dangerous Chinese Clown                         5:53
        5       Sunsweet Jones                                  5:53
        6       Baby Two                                        0:16
        7       Stranglehold                                    6:22
SS      1132    howardAmb               FRAG-MEN                        DL      06.2014

        1       His Brains                                      1:44
        2       I'm Going                                       2:04
        3       All Your Roses                                  2:35
        4       Listen                                          1:40
        5       These Stairs                                    2:37
        6       Professional                                    2:11
        7       Into Your Light                                 2:58
        8       Sound of a Teapot                               3:35
        9       Leaving Your Body                               3:29
        10      Stay                                            3:28
        11      Radiotek                                        3:52
        1133    RED MOUTH               TOSKA                           DL      10.2014

        1       Black Old Bones                                 2:54
        2       Das Moose                                       2:54
        3       Sugar Sugar                                     3:16
        4       Butcher Knife                                   2:53
        5       Bone Camp Road                                  2:02
        6       Long Gone Train of Mine                         4:18
        7       A Gentler Hand                                  3:46
        8       She's Got a Crush on Me                         2:44
        9       God Don't You Trouble My Body No More           2:09
        10      Johanna                                         2:53
        11      Jimmie Mack Lynn                                2:46
        12      This Thing                                      2:40
        13      There Is a Crow                                 4:35
SS      1134    MATT MENOVCIK           ALONE, WITH YOU                 DL      11.2014

        1       Someone to Believe                              2:20
        2       Together, Share This Dream                      3:59
        3       Come Let Us                                     4:27
        4       At Night                                        3:46
        5       I'm Left Missing You                            4:02
        6       Blinded by Desire                               3:22
        7       Lead Me On                                      5:23
        8       What Am I Now?                                  4:35
        9       So Long Ago                                     3:11
        10      Parade                                          4:04
        11      Oh, My Heart                                    4:00
SSD     1135    howardAmb               PT-101                          DL      04.2015

        1       What If?                                        3:24
        2       N Off                                           2:44
        3       Day Lyte                                        4:17
        4       Nocean                                          4:07
        5       2 Many                                          6:00
        6       Sherlock Holmes                                 3:10
        1136    THE SEMIBEINGS          SICKNESS AND HEALTH             DL      04.2015

        1       I'm a Man                                       6:18
        2       In                                              3:32
        3       Flower                                          4:36
        4       Warped Masquerade                               4:13
        5       Patricia Gladwell 12/16/66                      4:21
        6       I'm a Film                                      3:08
        7       Pulse                                           3:20
        8       I'm Alone                                       4:18
        9       I Am                                            2:24
        10      Wise Baby                                       7:30
        11      Preaching for My Life                           4:10
        12      Save Me                                         2:43
        13      Eye                                             1:44
SSD     1137    howardAmb               HEARTLAND XXXPRESS              DL      09.2015

        1       Part of Me Now 4:19
        2       CRYSIS                                          3:53
        3       Bender                                          6:11
        4       scahared                                        3:38
        5       Tyeid MBC                                       5:58
                feat. Seth Kasselman (clarinet)
        6       BOPTINI                                         9:26
                feat. Seth Kasselman (clarinet)
        7       Seriocity                                       4:28
        1138    PARIS, TEXAS            THE DANCER                      DL      08.2016

        1       The Dancer                                      1:48
        2       Movie Milkshake                                 3:01
        3       La Chambre                                      2:49
        4       Terraplanes                                     2:12
        5       Perfect Milk Bar                                1:04
        6       Otto and Tina Eat Strawberries in Vienna        1:38
        7       Does Capitalism Work for Lou?                   1:31
        8       Thomas und Klaus                                1:07
        9       Baseball in Boston                              1:40
        10      Novembre                                        1:27
        11      Robinson's Dress                                3:22
        1139    howardAmb               REDICING                        DL      10.2016

        1       Crystal Guest                                   2:58
        2       Pig Gapsy                                       0:08
        3       It's a Gyp                                      3:19
        4       He a Lion                                       0:15
        5       In a Hole                                       3:10
        6       Lay Sad & Lo                                    0:43
        7       Day Sold                                        2:49
        8       No Vote Dial                                    0:46
        9       Devotional                                      2:55
        10      Go Hud                                          0:25
        11      Doh                                             3:54
        12      Gin Fon Daze                                    0:35
        13      Fading Zone                                     3:31
        14      Won Meney                                       0:24
        15      New Money                                       3:11
        16      Wot Pun                                         0:26
        17      Uptown                                          3:24
        18      Calvun                                          1:11
        19      Vulcan                                          3:38
        20      Now in Sly Gin                                  0:14
        21      Lying in Snow                                   3:48
        22      Ur Arms                                         2:40

































        1       Moonlight
        2       Monday
        3       One Moon
        4       Forget
        5       Pennies
        6       Two Dreams
        7       Vicky
        8       Fingers
        9       Three Wishes
        10      Tomorrow
        11      Uh-Oh
        12      Four Hands

(Note : LP , hourglass-clear vinyl , co-release with Joyful Noise Rec.)

Kramer and Shimmy Disc are both names that resonated in the early 90s underground.
The former and member of Bongwater and producer in demand for the likes of Low and
Galaxie 500. The latter his esoteric label. Both are back after long absences from
the limelight with this album from Let It Come Down. This is Kramer’s collaboration
with vocalist  Xan Tyler, an ethereal album of loss and loving showcasing Kramer’s
introverted songwriting.